Monat: August 2022

Abstrakte Illustration mit Bäumen, Sträuchern, Blumen, Häusern, Landwirtschaft und Garten

Illustration: Ardea-studio -

Transdisziplinarität Stadt/Region Wissenschaftskommunikation Wissenstransfer

Das Neue Europäische Bauhaus: Können Graswurzelbewegungen von oben nach unten wachsen?

Mit der Initiative New European Bauhaus will Ursula von der Leyen den European Green Deal mit Leben füllen. Ziel ist die Umgestaltung Europas, um bis zum Jahr 2050 Klimaneutralität und mehr Lebensqualität zu erreichen – durch die Zusammenarbeit von Kulturschaffenden, Ingenieur*innen, Künstler*innen, Architekt*innen, Handwerker*innen, Städten und Kommunen. Ungewöhnlich ist daran Vieles; vor allem aber der Aufbau der Initiative, der sich an Graswurzelbewegungen orientiert und nicht an klassischen EU-Projekten.

Luftaufnahme des Eisenerzabbaus, Panorama eines Tagebaus zur Gewinnung von Eisenerz

Foto: Андрей-Трубицын -

Transdisziplinarität English

Social ecology meets political ecology: A chance to gain new perspectives?

How can social ecology benefit from political ecology and vice versa? An international two-day online workshop organized by ISOE researchers offered the opportunity for dialogue between these neighbouring research fields. What role do more-than-human entities such as plants, animals, rivers, resources, geomorphological formations and things play in conflict analysis? This was the overarching question of the session, which linked the concept of social-ecological systems with approaches of environmental justice, resistance and politics. In addition, the question, “What happens when theoretical claims of political ecology meet practical problems in transdisciplinary, social-ecological projects?” invited to reflect on power asymmetries in everyday research.

Workshop/Gruppendiskussion im Freien

Foto: Manjana Tausendfreund

Wissenstransfer Biodiversität English Landnutzung Transdisziplinarität Wissenschaftskommunikation

Avoiding pitfalls in knowledge transfer. A guide using the example of communication with Namibian land users

Transdisciplinary research ideally builds upon both scientific approaches and practical knowledge from stakeholders. However, in advanced stages of the research process, how should the knowledge transfer of relevant research results to local stakeholders take place? The example of Namibian land users shows that knowledge has to be prepared and communicated in a target group-specific way. The more you know about the target group in question and the earlier you take the upcoming knowledge transfer into account, the easier this process will be. Although there are phases during the transfer process during which the focus is on the transfer of knowledge from research to practice, it is important not to view this communication process as a one-way street, but as a genuine dialogue.